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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006


    I dunno whether this should go in Experiences or in Triumphs/Pitfalls but the mods can move this or whatever.

    So basically, I was watching Powerpuff Girls the other day (yeah, male 18 year old watching the powerpuff girls, weird I know >_&gt

    Anyway, it's that episode (for those who watch it) where Him has given the girls all these tasks to do in certain ways in ransom for the professor, and in one bit, they have to destroy a monster without using their powers, so they all try different methods, and Buttercup uses a helicopter to shoot bullets at the monster, which doesn't work.

    So the monster is all "¬_¬" and grabs the top of the helicopter by the blades so the helicopter bit spins round and round and round, and the obvious happens....

    Well, when the plane stops, she does the standard n* thing, walking in a wobbly line, towards a dustbin/garbage can, and takes off the lid and sticks her head inside, and for a second you hear her v*ing and something hit the bottom of the dustbin before it cuts away to another character, and later on before she snaps into action she's all sorta post-v* with sweat and stuff.

    The weird thing is, usually any type of v* in a program would have made me get a little panicky. But there was nothing. It's the first time I've ever seen a v* scene and it has done absolutely nothing to me. If anything, when she v*ed into the bin, I had this quick jolt of.....well it's hard to say. A kind of tranquility or "release" of some sort.

    I don't want to question it too much, but I haven't really been doing much work on my emet lately (well, I would think that although others may beg to differ, I mean I haven't been doing my youtube.com clip desensitization like I should have been doing) yet a scene in a cartoon with v* in it didn't stir my emet at all. And this is an absolute first for me.

    I would put something like "what do you think" or "so is this a triumph?" at the bottom but I really don't know what to think about it other than "eh, that was pretty cool I guess >_>"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    The encouraging thing when something like this happens is that you know you will be able to slowly build yourself up to watching and being ok about real people v*ing on film. From that you can then work your way up to seeing people v* for real and not panicking (reality tv programmes are good exposure therapy in this regard!).

    Well done!

    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United States


    I so happy for you. I know its a major accomplishment and the feeling is so wonderful when you cope with something that usually sends you to panic. That happens to me at work. I work for a plastic surgeon and most of our patients never get sick....the other day,...mine was getting dizzy and sweaty and felt N**...I usually have to get another nurse but I just felt so calm,....raised her head up and sat with her until she felt better,....I was SOOOO proud.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    I used to get all weird and panicky wathing V* on TV but one of my favorite TV shows is ER and you wouldn't believe how much realistic V*ing they have in that show so I became desensitized. The only V* scene that bothered me recently was in the movie Hostel. But anyway you did a good job, and I'm glad you feel proud of yourself! You should! You might be well on your way to recovery!

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    i had that for the first time about 2 weeks ago. I saw the pink video for stupid girl, which ide been avoiding cause i heard about the vomit bit in the middle, but i decided to watch it and i had nothing. Maybe it was cause i was expecting it, but i didnt even get thatjolt or anything, which i usually do, i just was like. "oh is that it?" kind of thing.
    and oh god the bit in hostel is horrible. I had my eyes squeezed shut!

    Edited by: jezebel
    .: tonight i\'m letting go :.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United Kingdom



    Thought i'd give my expereince about v* on tv. I'm ok with that pink video, infact i watch it sometimes just for that to kinda get used to it. I'm ok with the fake stuff but it's the real stuff that sill gts to me. Like on Big brother! When glyn was ill! I'm scared to watch big brother since!



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