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Thread: very scared :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    hi everyone

    okay, today my cousin had a going-away party and our whole family was invited. my oldest sister, Tara, was over an hour late soI asked my other cousin (who had seen her earlier that day) where she was. She said that Tara's boyfriend (who she lives with) was v*ed twice--once last night and once this morning and she would come later. so, I assumed he wouldn't be at the party.

    WRONG! about 10 minutes later, he showed up, which freaks me out. I tried to avoid him (without looking obvious, of course) but I did speak to him a few times. I also tried not to touch anything i knew he had had his hands on, but i'm still scared. I washed my hands a few times and tried not to touch my face.

    Later, I talked to my sister and asked why he had gotten sick. Apparently, he had drank alcohol early yesterday morning (...i dont know why [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]...) and ate a bunch of s*** which she thinks probably made him sick. I'm not 100% convinced and i am scared that I was exposed to a stomach bug. Oh, and, I gave my sister a kiss goodbye (she might have touched him...who knows?) and his three kids. I AM SCARED!

    what do you all think????

    I hope you had a nice weekend and thank you for reading this very long post

    -hayley xoxoEdited by: hayleyw
    ~*~ all is fair in love and war ~*~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    United States


    You are going to be fine,....I doubt you had that much contact with him. I have 3 kids and have never caught a virus from them. Im just real careful about washing my hands. Also,...Im not a doctor but the doctor I work for swears that if there is a bug going around,....take a doseof Pepto....it coats the stomach and actually keeps the virus from adhering to the intestines,.....he gave it to his kids every morning when he knew there was an out break Of the SV at school. Doesn't hurt,...


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    wow thanks! if i can get out to the store any time soon, i will buy Pepto.

    ya,i feel better about it now. looking back at what my sister said, i am now pretty confident that it had to do with what he ate (and drank, for that matter)

    thanks again!

    ~*~ all is fair in love and war ~*~

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United Kingdom


    Is that pepto-bismol? xxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United Kingdom


    to make it more clear if it is pepto bismol... in a pink packet?That takes fast relief forNausea, upset stomachs, heartburn and indegestion? xxxEdited by: *amy*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    I would have been really nervous too! ugh.. i hate that. You should be fine though.. just wash your hands alot.. i guess. im not real help cuz i usually doubt what anyone says.. alot of people will say oh i drank last night or i got food poisoning.. BUT THEN like three days later other people start getting sick and then im like YAh right! ok.. sorry im a skeptic! lol..

    speaking of pepto.. that stuff does NOT work for me what so ever.. to be honest. maybe cuz i used to take it SOOOO much that now it does nothing. Only thing that helps me now if perscription medicines for stomach.. blah..

    Take care!




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