Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between hollybree and living_free

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Julia,

    Yes, of course I'd be happy to chat. Where are you in the world? Perhaps we could chat on gmail? Otherwise this way is fine. I would love to help if I can in any way. I'm not sure exactly how but Ill certainly give it a shot. Let me know how you want to do this and what I can help with. Holly
  2. Hollybree: I've just started reading this forum today. I don't think I have ever heard of emetophobia before this afternoon, but I have diagnosed myself with it (laugh!). I think that in my life, it is mostly under control but it was not when I was a teenager. From what I gather, I, like many people, let it control my life completely. Anyway, I'm in my 30s now and lead a relatively *normal* life. Until I started planning my own wedding. I see (from a forum) that you were able to forget your fears on the day of your wedding - and I wanted to chat with you about that. I am having a lot of anxiety about the whole day and have lost all faith that I will be able to cope. Do you have some time to chat about how you were able to get through the day (it's actually the ceremony I'm worried about)? I'm getting married in a little under 2 months. Thanks in advance for your time. Julia
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