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Conversation Between YellowBeads and Catsme

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Catsme! I'm sorry for not replying sooner.

    1. Occasionally, but not often. The nice thing about New York is that you can escape easily because there's always a crosswalk!

    2. I worry about being on the subway because of noro, but the one time I did catch it was in the summertime and due to the kids I babysit - definitely not a crowded train.

    3. I don't really know that certain areas are higher risk than others. Maybe trains with more traffic (e.g. the L train - always packed) have an increased risk, but honestly I've forgotten to wash my hands after holding onto a subway pole (YICK!) and was still fine.

    Definitely not inappropriate. I'm more than happy to help! And again, sorry for the delayed reply. I haven't been on the site in a while!

  2. Hi!!! This is going to sound crazy, but I saw one of your posts and noticed it said you were from New York. I'm actually moving to NYC in March, and I'm freaking the hell out about it because of emet. I'm struggling to get a good answer about it. Would I sound like an ahole if I asked you a couple questions?
    - Do you see people getting v* on the sidewalk, subway etc often?
    - Is it scary to go out sometimes BECAUSE of v*?
    - Are there higher risk areas? (I'm going to be somewhere in downtown Manhattan - gulp)
    I'm sorry if this is totally inappropriate!!
    Good luck with everything
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