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Conversation Between raven928 and x-KittyBoo-x

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey sorry i take awhile to reply, i dont always check the forum as i got to addicted to it at one point lol Cos i like helping people so much and it soo nice to find people like me! Oh it was like that when i lived at home too, but yeh defo alone now, but iam going to stay with my family for a week or so as my boyfriend wants some freedom for abit.. lol men are strange. I hope he misses me! I know i'll defo miss him and my cats boo
    But its for the best i might be able to go out more and stuff... . Oh i dont have many friends at all.. only ones far away, alot went to uni or college and didnt give me the time of day anymore.. Ermm well i dont really have alot of fun these days, i dont drink so hardly go to clubs and stuff. I do like gigs thou only been to two haha..
    I like siting in the park and watchin the skies, or reading or playing my ds or watchin films. How about you?
  2. I can tottally relate! I wish i could travel first class lol cos longer journeys wouldnt be so bad.. and you more spaced fromer other people too haahaa, but thats soo much cash.. so dont think i'll ever be a first class flyer boo Oh ive hard stories about people getter sick every where from rough seas ick ick!! plus i wuldnt wanna get sea sick either yucks! soo no boats for me haha XD Oh i can drive but i have no license so i cant drive lol
    its soo lame! i do have a car thou but it needs paiting..its at my bf workshop hehe. I love cats if i was rich i would buy a big house and adopt lots of cats!! My bf is my best friends and my cats are my children :P i agree, i dont make friends anymore good people are hard to find But i wish i had aleast one!! Cos iam alone alot.. and i hate bein alone i really do its the worst!
  3. ( last bit of my msg as it was to long to send it all lol)

    Oh i hear ireland is pretty nice very lush and green! i would love to go there one day! also new zealand sounds pretty nice too U havent been traveling much only spain and egypt. I dont really like planes for obvouis reasons and i dotn ever wanna go on a boat!!! lol How about you?
  4. well my bf is 28 so his kinda worked towards havin a garage for awhile But even before he got this place he did the normal stuff like shop work and being a waiter, somtimes its the only way to build up some money. I tottaly understand about the big circle thing im in one too! I have no job and i need a job to finish driving lesson to drive, but around her most of the jobs are driving jobs or far away lol it sucks!
    So iam mostly just home all day with my 2 cats macy and eevee boo lol
    I only do photography as a hobby too ,i dont have a fancy cam, but it takes good pics soo i dont mind
    Hmm i havent heard of those bands before, maybe there more popular in the us? or maybe im just outta the loop haha which sounds more right ^-^ I liek all kinds of music myself, but mostless alternative rock
    My fav band is Inme they are pretty awesome!! My bf is more into drum and bass stuff.. blargh lol
  5. Jeez it sounds nice but yet all that v* must suck!! Its very rainy here in the uk and our summers are nothign to boast about! But i do like it here, not so much the people there abit stuck up somtimes..and rude! I love the country side and we have beautiful skies here
    Currently i live in a flat with my boyfriend, he works full time at his own small garage, i sadly dont have a job
    we had to move to get a cheap place to live so i quit my job, but it sucked anyway! I dont go to college anymore but id like to either study art or animal care someday i also love photography!!
    What kind of bands do you like then??
  6. I'am from east sussex in the uk
    whats it like in California?
  7. hey! Thax cool! i dont meet a lot of people like me where do u live? im in socal
  8. Hiya You sound really nice and alot like me ^-^
    I'am a girl by the way lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8