Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between gumdropper1 and bleue

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi! I'm sorry I didn't see your message in the chat, I was in another tab. I answered there, but I'm not sure how it works when you're offline, if you will get the message, so I'll reply here too just in case, if you got it in the chat, just ignore this lol: Yes, I'm 100% Norwegian born and raised, lol.
  2. Hi! I know you get questions about this a lot, but... I've been v*-free for at least 15 years. I cause myself a lot of anxiety when I think about the fact that I'm "bound" to - statistically - v* at one or more points in my life. Although you've been v*-free for so long, do you ever encounter such thoughts, and how do you deal with them? I'm sorry for bothering, just feel free to ignore me!
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