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Conversation Between lizzo and Shelbya

1 Visitor Messages

  1. hey it wont let me answer your question so ill try it here...

    Raw meat shouldn't be a scare. Many people eat raw meat and dont get sick. The meat would have to be infected to make you sick. meaning bacteria.. Trust me you will be fine. And even If you did digest only half of the sausage and lets say it was infected with bacteria. your body would most likely like 80% be able to fight it off. The body kills bacteria everyday! and even if it did upset your stomach you would most likely have D* .. Ill say it one more time... You only had half.. I wouldnt worry about it. I remember when i ate chicken and ditn realize till i swolled it that it was pink and smelled like dog food.. *GROSS* i freaked the hell out.. but i didnt get sick.. Your in the clear!!
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