Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between KaydeeJayde and LadyElle

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm doing pretty well for the moment. Having a bit of a stress because I got my lip pierced yesterday and it feels a bit weird but that's my own fault :P I didn't know there was an emet community on tumblr, that's really cool, I'll have to look into it.
  2. Hey!! Thanks for stopping by. I'm doing ok. I've found a lot of people on tumblr that are going through this, and I've found that maybe I should just stick to that for now. I do come back to read threads, for reassurance. Thanks for checking. How are you? =)
  3. Hey there. I saw your post on a thread about a troll. I really hope you dont decide to stop posting altogether. Disagreements and stuff happen here all the time. I think it comes from having a group of highly anxious people. I hope youre well. Xx
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