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Conversation Between Sjg333 and Mamafear

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi chick thanks for your message and sorry you've also resorted to drinking it's such a horrible place to find yourself in isn't it ! I've woken up today and already planning my first glass of wine - I don't want to pour it but my anxiety is off the charts until I start so I know I'm gonna give in grr! I've tried clicking on a user name for the options to pop up but they don't, maybe because I'm on my phone ... So I'm hoping this is replying to you haha. When I tried out AA everyone was really lovely to me there and supportive but I felt like I was also kind of being judged at the same time for being so young! Like they'd all had yearssss of alcohol problems and there was me at 20 just starting with my struggle lol. Have you got anyone near you going through a similar thing? You're right it must help, it's just finding people I don't now how to go about it lol.
    Thinking of you too and thank you again x
  2. Hey hon, just read your thread and your story touched me. I've just started drinking (never did before really) and in the same mess as you. I drink about a bottle of spirits a week and really its the only thing that dulls the fear huh. I am so sorry your life is feeling so messed up and am here if you need to talk (just click on the user name when you're on a thread and it should come up with options. One of those options is pm. I reckon if you can find someone else who lives near you who also drinks because of anxiety (heaps do) and they wanted to get help too, you may find that helps. You're in my thoughts. X
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