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Conversation Between Sjg333 and Rcurt

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I sent you a message via Facebook but I'm not entirely sure if I got the right person? Hahaha sorry!
  2. Hiii I had an email saying you've sent me a friend request on this site but I've no idea how to find it/accept you ! Haha!! I'm not even sure if I'm replying to you right now or just posting myself a message hmm lol.
    If you do want to chat on Facebook try searching 'jade summer bartle' (it is me... I changed my name by deed poll long story lol) I have both names saved under my profile and maybe that is less common, otherwise, if you figure out how to message properly on here feel free to, and hopefully I will find it hahah x
  3. Hi
    You messaged on one of my threads a couple of weeks ago and mentioned about having a chat on Facebook, but I can't find you anywhere! I've searched 'summer Garcia' and nothing came up from the uk?
    Would be really nice to chat if you have the chance
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3