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Conversation Between dr.bloodylove and zoëgirl

24 Visitor Messages

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  1. In my French class we watch movies without the subtitles, some of it is kinda hard. I'm feeling better now
    Je veux aller à Paris!!! lol
    My penpal lives in Provence.
  2. I couldn't agree more with you about the subtitles, i watch movies or series now without subtitles at all. i have no choice 'cos since i live in France, we always get the series like a year after you get it so if we want to be still "updated", we have to download them and there's rarely subtitles attached to them.
    Anyway, i'm from Paris. Are you ok now btw ? I read that you've been experiencing some difficulties regarding the panic attacks, are they gone ?
  3. I'm from Maine, but I really hate it. lol. When I live on my own, I want to live in Europe. I've been learning French since I was 6, so that's about 8 almost 9 years. For me it helps to watch movies in French with French subtitles, instead of English subtitles because then I'm just reading the English. Where in France are you from?
  4. I've been learning english for about 11 years, i started at age 8 and i stopped at 19 but the thing that really helped was to watch movies in english with subtitles, that's one of the best way for me to learn a foreign languages.
    Anyway, i know you's from the States but what state exactly ?
  5. Ca va bien. Je déteste l'hiver aussi. Je n'aime pas la neige. C'est trop froid. Mais j'adore faire du patinage. I'm so happy that I didn't have a panic attack in my exam today. J'étais très heureuse. Demain, je vais à l'école, mais je n'ai pas les examens!! Tomorrow I have French and English, but I already had my exams in those classes a week early. btw How long have you been learning English?
  6. Yep those things scares me too, it seems that everybody's sick these days... Vivement le printemps ! Je déteste l'hiver...
    Are you feelin alright now by the way ?
  7. Right now I'm stressed again. At my school a lot of people are getting sv*s. And my friend came to school today and she said that she had a stomach ache, so I suggested that she go to the nurse and she said no it's the day before finals and besides no one is home at my house. Luckily she felt better after an hour. That kind of thing just scares me though.
  8. yeah me too, in february that will make it 8 years since i last v*. I normally don't tell the number of years because i stupidly think that it will jinx me in some way.
  9. I'm feeling better. I hate how after a panic attack I still feel weird. I'm still going to be nervous until tomorrow, since today is the exact day that I v*d 3 years ago. Emet has made me quite superstitious.
  10. Btw, how you feeling now ? Better i hope i had anxiety thing yesterday though my belly still hurts from times to times, damn boss at work just pisses me off sometimes...
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