Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between IceMaiden and kittyboo

7 Visitor Messages

  1. A lot of people block out things thinsg they can't understand, it must make you feel even more awful about your phobia, hopefully you and your sis can support each other!
  2. My parents don't understand,do find it strange that my sister is slightly emet,maybe from me when we were younger and shared a room(she was a sickly child!!).Glad you enjoyed it.
  3. Yes I did! It was very interesting, David gave his theory as to why he thinks people have emetophobia and also explained his way of attempting to overcome it, also I think it especially helped my mum understand it a bit more, she was always sympathetic, but now she understands too, and I think that helped her as well, sorry for the life story haha!
  4. My son had my laptop for a while and didn't know the seminar was on,how annoying!!!.Did you go?
  5. Did you go to the seminar? I didn't see your reply as it was on your own page haha!
  6. Omg haha! My dad works there! Fancy that! Are you going to the London seminar?
  7. You from bedfordshire? I'm from Aylesbury!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7