Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between IceMaiden and Larry1

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello, I'm still ok to have a chat with you online or over the phone, I only have a mobile I'm afraid, my email is [email protected]! If you want me to message you my number let me know, and I'll do it on msn or through email
  2. Hello!

    Really sorry to bother you, I just wondered if you might still be willing to have a chat with me about living with emetophobia for my project?
    I tried to bob my email address on the end of the thread but it wouldn't work for some reason so I’m not overly sure how best to organise it so I thought I'd just send you a quick message to check if you were still able to help at all and then go from there. I know you are too far away to meet face to face, but maybe we could do something over the phone?

    Thank you,

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