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Conversation Between olschesky and ann32

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi there-

    oh no worries, I have now taken it for 5 days, no side effects, but I am getting the dreams too. I have had no issues, taking it in the AM, but I might need a larger mg, but we shall see after this month if my anxiety, or moods change.

    I have actually been feeling really well since I have gone gluten and lactose free, I have been put on a no carb diet from the dr to kill all the overgrowth of yeast BUT I had to stop it bc I felt so yucky. so I am now on a low carb diet and hopefully that will help.

    Next time Im headed up I will let you know!
  2. sorry, ann, i just saw your message today.......yes, i'm on prozac.......was pretty nervous at first.....but the only side effect i had was very vivid weird dreams the first couple weeks...........they say take it in the morning.......but i was afraid it would make me feel bad while at work so i started taking it in the afternoon......and still take it around 4 pm everyday.........it takes a few weeks to really start working so don't get discouraged..

    what did the dr in wilmington say?? sorry i didn't know you were here.....we could have met up "_
  3. hey there-

    I am starting prozac tomorrow, you are on it right? i am so nervous about side effects bc Ive had so many issues with other meds. i am hoping it doesnt do anything bc I really need to take something!

    hope your well, Im o my way to wilmington tomorrow to go see my nutritionist and get on my diet...hopefully that will help my tummy! we should meet up one time when Im up there...

    I hope your well.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3