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Conversation Between wiscomommy and jmoore10

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy early birthday, my fellow Taurus
    I would LOVE to be in your house when the Bears play the Vikings or vice versa! Luckily my hubby is a Niner's fan so we don't have any divisional adversaries
    Everyone in my family back home in Chicago are all Bears and Cubbies fans, except my one cousin. He's a Sox and Packers fan-I'm convinced he's adopted-hahaha!
  2. Yo, jmoore! Just saw your post about the white shorts/Mother Nature fiasco...double ugh! I wanted to shout out a Happy Birthday to you! My birthday is Saturday, and it looks like we're only a few years apart. And the "Go Bears?" My husband is a huge Bears fan, and I'm originally from Minnesota, so I'm a Vikings fan. What keeps us together is our mutual hatred for the stupid Green Bay Packers (and I actually LIVE in Wisconsin! LOL!!)

    Anyway, happy birthday fellow Taurus!
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