Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between ccaassiiee and CourtneyCoo

1 Visitor Messages

  1. You can't give up!!! You can't can't can't! It is sooo not easy every day I am scared and scared because to me vomiting is something that I can't even explain why I fear it! I haven' done it in years and years so its so terrifying ! But if you let it take over then its won! We can't let that happen! We can do this together thats what this sight is for! I have yet to figure this out. and Im sick and tired of it bringing me down everyday! So don't think your the only one! Whenever your scared and sad, think about this site and everyone on here is probably worrying at the same moment you are, I know I will be! You can do this, I can do this! and Everyone on here will help us !!
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