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Conversation Between pretendworld_ and Valerie13Ann

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, sorry for the late reply. I really enjoy dental assisting, it's definately interesting. I haven't been doing it for long but I haven't come across anyone who has v* yet. Some people tend to gag a little when they have impressions taken or x-rays, but that's maybe 5% of the time (hardly ever, and usually it's because the person is anxious about having something in their mouth). I certinaly wouldn't let the possibility of it happening stop you from doing it as a job. When you think about it - there are many jobs that could involve v*!
  2. Hi! I was wondering how do you like dental assisting? I am going to school in the fall for it, and I am very excited for it, but I am a little anxious about the v* part of the field. How often have you came across someone v*? And how have you dealt with it? Thanks!
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