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Conversation Between Midnight Dream and KaydeeJayde

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Ahh thats not good that things have gone down Sucks but yeah I know what you mean! Thank you so much, that really helps to know I have someone to talk to if I need to Thank you once again! Like you, things have gone downhill since yesterday >_< Majorly sucks, once again! x
  2. Heh, funny, since I wrote I was well, things kind of went downhill. Ugh, I'm feeling a little hopeless at the moment, so I know how you're feeling. If you ever need anything, or just someone to talk to, I have a good set of ears On here, or on facebook!
  3. He is indeed!! I always smile when I see him! He has that effect on me! Certainly not a bad thing! Glad you are well sweetie Im the same really, just on and off suicidal thoughts so not too good at the moment I have accepted you on facebook now Thank You x
  4. Oh, he's so lovely! I've only watched him on TV, but he's just so nice, and he seems like a genuinely kind person. You're so lucky!! I'm definitely well at the moment, mentally (mostly), and physically. Are you? By the way, I'm trying to add you on facebook, but it's not being particularly nice. I'll keep trying
  5. I see you love Gok Wan I have met him before! I went to his book signing in November last year! Hes lush <3 Hope you are well? x
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