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Conversation Between ssjj and jenna23

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey, how did human geog go? Or any other exams? I finish on wednesday with history and I can't wait!! xxx
  2. Yep, and the last question was so weird. I literally looked at it like, what the hell? Then i just waffled for 40 seconds, cause that was all the time I had xD loads of people didn't have time for it though, apparently the school's considering a complaint. Tbh I'm not sure it was that bad, but hey. Haha, we've got "thinking and reasoning skills" tomorrow afternoon, that's going to be such a doss :') yeah Friday's not going to be so lovely :S xxx
  3. we did coasts, restless earth and ecosystems, it was better than expected! History was bleh, I made up so much haha and chemistry was alright but I got the timing mixed up and didnt have time for the last question! Did you have chemistry too? And human geog and physics on friday ): xxx
  4. I agree I really love it, I'm taking it at AS level, so I'm glad I didn't find it too bad! Which sections did you do in Geog? We did rivers, coasts, and restless earth, and I managed to answer every question but one, which I bluffed :P oh god, history was... >_< xx
  5. Good luck to you too! How did you find Geog? I thought it wasn't too bad, actually managed to finish on time Dreading tomorrow though -.- xxx
  6. Yep, same - International Relations is definitely the worst one though, once we've done that one it's basically plan sailing. I have Geog tomorrow as well o_O haven't revised as much for that as I have for history, but for some reason Geog is just generally easier to remember this week is so horrible - I have 7 exams in 5 days, I'm going to be so exhausted by the end of this week! Good luck for everything you have this week xxx
  7. Yes maths was sooo much easier on Friday! Woo! OMG same here, I have International Relations on Tuesday and I'm still making notes on Section 3 and I don't remember the dates and stuff, my room is just a mess of timelines and textbooks. What topic re you doing on Tues? I have Geography tomorrow too which I absolutely detest Haha yeah, I remember on the first english exam everyone was like 'omg I'm gonna v* I'm so nervous' and I was more nervous about someone v*ing than the test :') xxx
  8. Haha, tell me about it! I'm so scared for Tuesday's history, I'm literally learning the last 3 sections right now! We studied it in year 10, so naturally I've forgotten almost all of it by now :') I know - people in my year doing the exams are all, "OMG, what if I fail?!", and we're all, "OMG, what if I'm sick?!" Lol! Hope maths on Friday wasn't too bad for you - I thought it was way easier than Monday's xxx
  9. It was definitely a lot harder than all the past papers we did! One or two questions were just terrible which I'm sure I got wrong, but the rest wasn't too bad Good luck for tomorrows calc! It's so cool to be able to discuss it with a fellow emet the same age haha x
  10. Yeah, loads of people from my year missed it as well - luckily I remembered to check that last page! Phew. Nope, I'm all free till maths calc on Friday. Oh my god, was it just me, or was Monday's maths completely awful?! X x x
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