Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between ssjj and Midnight Dream

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Do you have Facebook hun? x
  2. Haha, thats freaky! Is yours a twin sister or brother? x
  3. I've just noticed on another message that you are a twin! So am I x
  4. I met him last week actually, we went to this posh hotel in London for my cousins birthday and he was staying there! It was very exciting! And yes, chat sounds good! xxx
  5. Yay that settled then OMG really? That is so weird. . . I pretty much froze when I met him, I went to his book signing It was AMAZING! How did you meet him? Be good to chat on the online chat x x x
  6. No problem at all! I know what it's like and it's pretty scary, I am glad to be of any help. and of course I would like to be friends. I read on your 'about me' that you met Gok Wan last year? That is really freaky cause I did too! xxx
  7. Hey Hun

    Thank you for making me feel welcome on here Its already pretty freaked me out I have to say as I never talk about my Emet at all! So I just hope that over time being on IES that it wil help me at least feel comfortable talking about it! Was just wondering if you wanted to be friends? Thank You x
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