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Conversation Between ashley11 and gumdropper1

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you!! I am hoping its the same virus! Thanks again!
  2. There are different viruses, so if it is a different one, they could get it too. If it is the same one that was going around earlier, then they don't have to worry.
  3. Hi Doug.
    You seem to know a lot about this phobia and sv's. I wanted to see if I could get your opinion.

    My daughters are 9 and 6 and also emet. In December they both had a sv then just a month ago they had another one and I also got it. Now at school I hear it is going around it started last week and we were away in Disney then, but are back in school this week. Do you think they could get this again??? I just don't think I can handle this for a third time. Just looking for your opinion and I guess just a little reassurance. Thank you! Have a nice night!
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