Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.


Type: Posts; User: AGirlWithACamera

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  1. Do you know why/how you became an emet?

    Some people say they had a certain traumatic memory or event that triggered their emetophobia. I can't remember mine (if there was one, that is), but am curious if other people can remember theirs or...
  2. Re: worst thing someone can say to you

    "You're overreacting."

    I know that. I know that my panicking right now is irrational.


    I have a phobia that literally makes it impossible to calm down. Therefore, you...
  3. Re: My brother has an SV and I can't cope at all

    I understand. I have 4-year-old twin sisters who BOTH have the stomach flu right now, and I'm a nervous wreck. I haven't left my room in days, and we're in the middle of what appears to be a small...
  4. Re: The GUILT associated with this phobia

    I know how you feel. I'm only a high school senior, but I already feel horrible for my future husband/boyfriend/significant other because I know I will never be able to have kids. Pregnancy? Morning...
Results 1 to 4 of 13