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Type: Posts; User: tigergirl321

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  1. Re: TW but It Happened Last night and Now

    yeah I have the nv* at the moment. It's hell!
  2. Re: TW but It Happened Last night and Now

    It kind of was, especially since I tried to hold it in
  3. TW but It Happened Last night and Now

    I v*ted last night at 9 and today at 12:20 PM. Here's what happens: hatred for food, moderate n* and for me some anxiety. Moments before vomiting: extreme abhorrence to food, intense n*, salivation,...
  4. Replies

    losing interest in food again

    last year i went down a terrible downward spiral that v* had taken over my mind and reminded me of the worst experience I've had with food so, I started to unintentionally restricted. Not because of...
  5. would you rather deal with hunger with pain or feeling full?

    personally I would rather be very hungry rather than being mildly full. it is reassuring for me because I know nothing can come up
  6. Re: i need help fast, loosing 10% of my body mass

    it's a little bit of both. I particularly avoid foods that are brown, yellow, white and, pink foods because those colors remind me of v*. getting food is hard because a lot of foods are those...
  7. i need help fast, loosing 10% of my body mass

    hi everyone
    i've been loosing so much weight due to this phobia. i am 5'4 and 17 years old i use to be 114 pounds but im down to 101.5 pounds, is there anyway i can gain weight by Thursday? i know...
  8. what foods were safe for you when you were in school?

    hello everyone, i currently need some suggestions on what school food is less likely to make me sick. so what worked out for you
  9. can't sleep at night terrified of v* in my sleep, especially alone

    hello everyone i need some advice. lately for about a month after a series of events i can not sleep very well. last month my brother got sick from a chrohn's flare up and i heard him heaving that...
  10. Poll: Re: What Part Of V*ing Scares You The Most?

    i would have to say the sound when other people barfing, it would trigger sympathy vomiting but only with nausea. i also hate how forceful it is. i think the fact that it rarley happens to me makes...
Results 1 to 10 of 10