I don't know how I feel about prisoner's rights. But I am confused about one thing...

We see these men, women and yes... children who are in prison as a threat to our society because of the heinous crimes they have committed. Yes, if it were me or my family member I would have a hard time not wanting to seek revenge. Then again, what does that solve? Will I feel better? Momentarily I guess I would, yes. I always have respect for those who are able to see that two wrongs don't make a right. Am I one of these people? I don't think I am. I am not a very forgiving person and I harbor a lot of messy feelings when people wrong me or mine. I get sick when I watch the news or pick up a paper and see what our society is turning into. HOWEVER, why is there not more attention being paid to where this behavior starts? Sometimes these people are psychologically f***ed, but how many psychological factors are a result of abuse or neglect? What did this person's family or society do to make these people feel that what they were doing was okay? Someone has to feel pretty disconnected, lost and angry to act out in the manner that these criminals do. Why are we not working harder to prevent these kinds of crimes?

Not to mention, why is it that when a person on the street commits a crime against someone it's terrible, but when a soldier at war does, it's commendable? Because I have seen some f***ed up s*** those men and women are doing over there in this war and they get to come home heros. It's all f***ed up. But it's all just a product of how our society is. Until we put into motion some kind of major movement in our society, it will just continue to be a mess. I know that there is not much right that we are doing in this world right now. If there is a God, s/he is pissed at all of us.