I haven't thrown up in 31 years (really!) and I don't take anything to avoid it...no antiemetics, no Peptol Bismol (that stuff actually makes me sick)..nothing. I just will myself not to in all seriousness, even if I am terribly nauseated. Inearly broke my record this past July on two days (not subsequent, but within the same week) of such intensely dizzying nausea and retching I thought I was going to, but I didn't. I was scared to be sick because I have a hiatal hernia in my stomach and I didn't know if vomiting would create more problems for me (as in pain, rather than the actual act of vomiting), so I forced myself tohold hard and not get ill.It was bad though, and it took forever for me to drive to work that day. Yes, being the idiot I am, I still went to work...I took an antacid and poof, it was gone.Since I have had some of these episodes over the course of the last two years,I am going for an upper GI endoscopy this Wednesdayto see what's up with me..my doctor thinks I have acid reflux disease in addition to having an hiatal hernia.But, I have had the test before and I have undergone general anesthesia before, so I am cool with the test. I am just concerned that with all of the episodes of "almost" getting sick recently I actually will...but, I will get through it as usual.
