Hey thanks[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img], well i went and told him everything. The good thing is he weighed me on his scales, im no 6 and a half stone!! so i have put on more then a stone in weight[img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]lol. I told him about the hitting myself and he said its like people with smoking, they get stressed or something and then they want to smoke as thats there release, so he said mine is by taking it on myself by hitting or cutting. I got told to get a piece of wood and wack it against the tree lol or draw, which i did and have painted a picture of a volcano exploding to like get the tension out on the page lol. He cheked my ribs and said there just very bruised as you can see the bruising on them so i just have to wait for them to heal. He didn't put me on any medication as he said, i started eating myself and i got over that without any help from the eating disorder units, i now have to find a coping method insted of hitting myself and do something else, so im going to give that a try. Thank you all for all the replys[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img].

Ruth x