I can't believe I'm not the only one.

I've lived with this for so, so long... have, at times, considered therapy, but have convinced myself that this fear of vomit was rare and treatment wasn't really an option.

I can't believe this.

I have had such problems with emetophobia in my life. I am not sure exactly when it got bad- perhaps in high school? I know that when I started college, I avoided parties with alcohol in case I'd see some barfing. It's not so much myself I'm afraid of- it's other people vomitting, that I don't want to see or hear.

I've embarrassed myself a few times, and my husband, to get out of a situation where someone was throwing up. I was a schoolteacher for four years and of course, I always had the barfing students. I was always able to somewhat control myself and get the student out of the room, but one time I got scolded by the principal for the way I dealt with an ill student.

I've had to force myself to deal with my husband's occasional stomach flu- twice since our marriage seven years ago. I love him so much... I resist the urge to run out of the house and drive away when he's ill.

I'm not a teacher any more. I'm in med school. Now, in two years, I'll be an MD. I know, without a doubt, I'll see throwing up in the hospitals. I'm so scared. But, it's nice to not be the only one.

Airplanes are a huge problem- somehow I always get on the plane with the motion sick children. It's horrible.

On a side note, I've read everything there is to read about vomit in the medical text books. I know all the things that happen in the brain, stomach, etc.... I know exactly how it works. And putting it in a medical perspective helps a teeny tiny bit.

Thanks for reading.
