For the past 2-3 days i've been feeling very feverish (particularly at
night) like i've got the flu coming on. i keep taking my temp., but it's
continually normal. last night i felt fluish and had a very bad sinus
headache. i spent the night at my boyfriend's house, and felt pretty
good when i went to bed and early this morning, pretty hungry too.
for breakfast i ate like 3 bowls of (sickeningly sweet) honey nut
cheerios and immediately felt very ill. i haven't felt hungry since
then, and right now i'm feeling very n*. i also feel like the fever's
back (i haven't checked my temp in a couple of hrs.) and like i'm
getting a sore throat. very tired, cold, and generally pretty crappy.
i've got to go to work in the morning, but am scared that this won't
pass with a good night's sleep. i don't know if i can deal with sickness
(even a cold) at work as i normally have bad anxiety regardless.
ugh. Edited by: krebstar