Okay I two questions, one isn't Emet related and the other is, so I thought I'd put it here.

First Question: Is it possible to all of a sudden HATE a food that you normally eat because it's too salty? I mean it's weird, I have eaten at Arby's like once a week for six or seven months and today I had a sandwich and it was just WAY too salty for me! Which is weird because I've never noticed that before.

Second Question: Every time I cough, even if it's just a little cough, I gag. I don't know what's wrong with me and it's scaring me out of my mind because I'm a smoker and I cough a lot, but now I'm afraid to cough! I don't want to vomit and I hate gagging, and I don't know what to do. Anyone else have this problem?
