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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I have some questions about these drugs. I know they are both made to help with n* and v*, but i want to take one of them to increase my milk supply. Increasing milk is a side effect of both of these.

    I already have a prescription for Reglan, but haven't started it yet. I keep hearing stories about really bad side effects happening so I am scared to take it. I will probably be on it for up to a month, 4 times a day. I know most of you have probably not taken that high of a dosage. But I am curious as to what kinds of side effects (if any) anyone has had.

    The same goes with the Domperidone. This isn't as easily available in the US. There is a compunding pharmacy here that can get it, but I'm not sure what the cost is. I also know a lot of people that order it from a place in New Zealand, but I am hesitant about ordering drugs this way.

    I am interested in any advice/experience anyone has had with either of these. I'm not as concerned about the n* and v* effects, but any other bad side effects.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    Hi There,

    At one point, when my emet was at its worse i was taking up to 13 tablets of Domperidone a day and i didn't really experience any side effects other than i started producing breast milk. There is a place you can buy it,


    I have also had Reglan (Metoclopramide) and the only side effect i had from that is it made me a little sleepy (but i guess the more you take it the less the effect)

    Hope that helps and good luck with the feeding! I am almost 17 weeks pregnant and am hoping to breast feed for as long as i can after the birth.

    Trinity x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    United Kingdom


    I can only speak about domperidone (motilium). I take it for nausea and there are absolutely no side-effects whatsoever with them.

    You can buy it over the counter in the uk -


    but make sure you get advice about dosage. Have you spoken to your doctor about this? I certainly would, to be on the safe side.

    I actually breastfed my daughter for a marathon FOUR years - the easiest way to increase your production is to let your baby feed more often for 24 hours, or use a pump to express milk in between feeds. Remember, milk is produced in response to a baby's demand so if you can feed more frequently, or simulate the feeding with a pump, in a day or so you should have a lot more milk available.

    Obviously, if this doesn't work for any reason, drugs might be the only way, but have you tried these more 'natural' methods to start with?

    Good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I've been taking Reglan for about a month now 4 times a day for a peptic ulcer and associated nausea. I have had no side effects at all.

    Good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Thanks for your input everyone. There actually is a place here I can get the Domperidone, but it isn't covered by my insurance and is pretty expensive.

    Trinity - my advice to you is don't give up! I did and I regret it everyday. Also, don't listen to people when they tell you not to. I listened to my mom and grandma and now I regret it so much. Breastfeeding is pretty difficult at first, especially when it seems like your baby is starving and you just can't meet their demads before your milk comes in. I caved on the second day and gave her formula. I breastfed off and on for the next week or two and then totally gave up. Now she has reflux and has problems with every forumla we put her on. I am desperately trying to get my milk back.

    Suze - When I started this whole thing I was just getting drops. I pumped and tried to get her to nurse for about a week and got my supply up to about an ounce a day (horrible, I know, but way better than before). Then I kind of slacked off. I have been pumping every two hours and nursing whenever she will. She gets really frustrated because she doesn't get anything, so I usually just do comfort nursing before her naps. As soon as I get my supply up, I will try more and more to nurse.

    Marby - I'm gald you haven't had any problems. That is the exact dosage my doctor prescribed for me, so I'm glad you can take that much and for that long with no side effects. That makes me feel a lot better.

    I'm going to get in a few days of hardcore pumping before I start the Reglan. I am also taking some herbs called More Milk Plus, so hopefully I will see a huge increase soon.

    I'll keep you posted on my progress!



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