Well, I freakin did it. I "relapsed". I am 5 months prego..never had a STITCH of morning sickness. none. maybe some nausea, but maybe anxiety induced? anyways..so i visit my mom frequently, daily even, she lives less than 2 miles from my house! so my little sister (16 years old) sophomore in high school came down with a sore throat yesterday, a little congested..not TERRIBLE though. well my mom doped her up on meds. (she had an appetite all day, had the ESSENTIAL soup and sandwiches for supper) she took sore throat drops and suckers, benadryl, tylenol cough and sore throat syrup, and some expired sore throat spray. well she wasn't able to sleep cause the benadryl had the adverse affect on her..very jumpy. and she V* at around 2-3 am. she had laid down around 10 and couldn't sleep. she said her throat got worse before she threw up..and then stayed worse. well she said she started feeling like she couldnt breathe before she V* and my mom took her to the ER. they said she just had a classic sore throat...and a minor cold.

so why in the heck did she V*?? is it the overkill of meds? postnasal drip? what is it? and ive been around her some..but ive been taking prenatals for around 3-3.5 months now and have continued to take them. my mom told me the vomiting is not contagious that the DR's said it was postnasal drip. but she assumes its too much medicine. please help me. i'd hate to get that sick!

p.s. i thought i had faced the fact that people V* when I found out i was preg. but now that it seems like its staring me in the face. im deathly afraid and my hands are pure raw from washing them so much! any advice welcome!