Hello everyone This is my first time checking out this website, and I must say that I am shocked by the amount of people on here. I really thought for so long that what I dealt with was something that only I dealt with. A little about me...I am 27 years old and I have dealt with this from about the age of 10. I learned that there was a name for this demon that I carry around only about a year ago. It is something that I have kept very private, and it is something that has gotten incredibly worse with age. My anxiety over getting sick is so much worse now than it has ever been. I am on the verge of talking to a doctor, and that is something that I never thought I would have the power within myself to do. Sometimes I cry, wondering why it is ME that has to deal with this. It sure doesn't seem fair, does it? It consumes my life...every aspect of it. It is sad, yes, but the one thing that I am thankful about for it is that I think it keeps me kind of grounded. My mother (who was not present most of my childhood) was an alcoholic and a huge drug addict, and I have a lot of her traits. Being emetophobic will not allow me to drink (except in strict moderation) and I would never touch a drug, for fear of the reprocussions. So, some days I think that it has been my saving grace, but most days, I just want to freak out because I hate the feelings that I have! Well, I guess that was enough of an introduction. Thank you for reading and listening to me [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]