Sometimes I feel like the people I know are turning more and more emet like...and really aware of their poop, and poop problems, and tummy aches and n*. Like it is a common conversation amoung me and my mom, sister, best friend, and my even my boyfriend. Everyone talks to me about their bowel problems, and asks for help when they feel sick. My friend calls me crying and scared and she is becoming more and more germaphobic, but she doesnt care about v* or at least sort of. My boyfriend is always feeling sick all the time every time he eats and tells me when his poop is weird...which is like almost all the time. Its kinda scary and strange to see that the people I love and similar to me. Does anyone else experience this...I mean I would hope I would never be pushing emets on my kids when I have them...but make them cautious of being healthy with good eating and exercise and hand washing...and to be aware of their bodies and what they need and want. But its still weird...anyone know what I mean??