Hi guys I missed you, not tht I forgot you or anything, jus to let you know this post contains bad language, and is a little rough for an emet to take, but relax, cause maybe it will help.

I passed my 20th anniversary at the beginning of July, wow how proud was I, on the 12th I went swimming with a few friends at a pool, in an apartment complex, where my wife's co-worker and her boyfriend lives. I awoke on the 13th to find myself with a low grade fever and probably the worst headache I have ever had. My neck was on fire and I felt god awful. I thought something was really wrong, I told the wife when she got off work that we needed to see a doctor, I went to the ER here in Huntington, West Virginia, and after hours of sitting and stupid tests, and the worst I had ever felt in my life, a doctor came in and asked if I had been around someone sick, or had been in a public pool.

I was diagnosed with Viral Meningitis, my first question, was do you v**** from this?????????????? He looked at me puzzled and said you haven't already? LOL LOL LOL, nice one doc.

Now everyone knows I am on the road to recovery, I kept my wits about me, was told to take normal over the counter drugs for headaches and pain, cause there is nothing you can do. NOTHING, just rest and fluids. This sickness lasts 7-10 days.

The next day i ate some soup and some water, and boom something happen, I was so nauseated, like someone was kicking me in the stomach over and over again. Now I know what your asking yourself, why tell us this Stephen? Well i'll tell you why I am telling you this. Because the nausea I felt, was way different from an emet scare. The nausea I think we fell as an emet is brought on by fear, and because most of us lock up during V moments (when they actually come), we forget or discard what they are really like, my emet moments WERE MUCH MORE INTENSE than this, by far. This was more of a dull pain, and a nasty feeling, in fact because it was weaker and less intense, I assumed that i was having a panic attack but was too damned weak to go in to full blown OH NO MODE!

Well to keep this short and not scare you to death, about an hour later, ****WARNING PLEASE SKIP THE NEXT PARAGRAPH IF YOU DON'T THINK YOU CAN HANDLE THIS****, I had a tugging sensation from down in my stomach, and needless to say the wife had no complaints, or problems with what happened next, she stared at me as I sat there looking at the floor from the couch at what I had just done, then it happened again. I looked up at her smiled, my heart barely racing, and said that wasn't so bad........

And you know what it wasn't....... It really truely wasn't..... Yes I had the nasty aftertaste and a good brushing cleaned that right up, and I was a little shaky and scared, but you know what I barely felt it, it happened again later in the night, and the next day, and the day after that, by the 3rd day, I was pretty clear on nausea and when to go, the 3rd day of illness I had eaten a big meal too. Now anyone that has seen my posts on here, knows I have emet to an extreme. I had gotten fed up and said that I was gonna beat this, have I??? No, not yet, because now I have ran in to astranger problem.

I still have anxiety attacks, strange as that sounds its true, I had one on day 7 of the illness, and I had one last night and tonight. These aren't aimed at my stomach, because like I said, I now have a a new phrase when my belly acts up, "FU** YOU BRING IT", these give me a nervous all over feeling, and the shakes. Hmmm..... Gonna get that checked.

I am gonna be home a lot for a while, I get to see my son for the first time since the 13th tomorrow, I am so looking forward to that, and I am gonna check on these forums and post to you guys and gals alot, cause during the summer I have made GREAT PROGRESS. I eat now and don't say "Well what if this comes back up"anymore. I go out in public, and I am really enjoying myself, I started feeling better on the 22nd, and I have got to look at things alot differently, my emet