I had another kidney stone tonight. This time it was in my left kidney instead of my right and it hurt BAD. I finally couldn't take it anymore and I went to the ER. The gave me some painkillers and everything and I think it might be about over, but the part that is scaring me is the guy in the room next to me that was v*ing. He got there before I did, so I am assuming at some point he used the restroom (which was co-ed by the way). I, of course, had to give a urine sample, so I used it, but that was before I found out what was wrong with him. Of course I washed my hands and all, but I did touch the doorknob (I was in too much pain to think 100% of emet rules).

Then I heard the doctor say that he had gastroenteritis and ordered a CT scan. I heard his wife explaining that he kept v*ing. Of course then I panicked because I had used the same bathroom, touched the doorknob and rubbed my eye. I had to go to the bathroom again so I asked the nurse where another one was that he wouldn't have used. She told me that what he had wasn't contagious, but gave me directions to a different bathroom anyway. I used it, but could only halfway wash my hands because I had an IV in my right hand so put soap in the left, swished it around with my fingers and rinsed. Then I had my CT scan - same machine he used. By then I was aware of the situation, so I was careful not to touch my face at all.

Still, I was doing okay. Trying to remain logical. The nurse came back and said she was giving me a couple more drugs. She shot one in to the IV then dropped a pill in my left hand and handed me a glass of water. I had no time to wash my hand first or ask her to put it in a cup for me to take that way. I paused for a few seconds and she just stared at me, waiting for me to take it, so I did.

I am so scared that whatever that guy (or anyone else in the ER) had was contagious. I know the nurse said it wasn't, but at that point I don't think he had really been diagnosed yet. I really hope I don't get it! I am so careful and this just seemed kind of out of my control. I guess I get to start the waiting game now!