So i am feeling quite crampy and blah.. i had a small bowl of cereal this morning but then the intense cramping came on and massive d* bouts.. like 3 times.. and now i feel kind of crampy and sore in my intestines. My husband called me this morning.. about an hr ago and said he had a horrible stomach ache and cramps and d* this morning too.

And i am thinking that it was our dinner last night.. we had alfredo baked chicken and pasta and i remember asking my hubby if it was cooked all the way because he kept saying how "tender" it was.. and i agreed it was tender.. i was a lil scared to eat it but i did.. well i ate half of it anyways.. it was real juicy and tasted great at the time.. but ick.. i feel ucky now. Hopefully it will subside. My intestines feel like they are in knots!

The wierd thing is .. i am not freaking out. and i am still going to go to work here in a bout 2 hrs. Ever since i have been on this antidepressant its wierd.. i still do have panic attacks. but they arent that bad or in situation i usually would.. i havent been. I just feel kind of.. numb i guess. its wierd. anyways.. i am blabbing now..

hopefully this goes away soon!