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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    First off, does anyone on here ever watch anime? I was just wondering, does the v* in certain anime shows ever bug you? Because I actually ENJOY watching it. Like, I'll record certain episodes and watch the same scenes (the ones w/ v*) over and over and over again, a little obsessively. Is this strange, considering the fact that I hate when it happens in real life? [img]smileys/smilies_05.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hello there!

    No, I don't think that's strange at all--I do the same thing with books. I've read and reread "Angela's Ashes" about a thousand times and I always go over the v* parts again and again (there's quite a few in that book). I really don't know why we're drawn to it when we fear it so much. I used to do that when I was younger too and I can remember just about every book I read then that had v* in it.
    But no, v* in anime doesn't bother me. In fact, the only time it does bother me is in reality shows because then I know it's real. Those I cannot watch at all!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    I reread v* scenes too, its strange. I think it's because when I read through them for the first time I'm worried that they will say anything too sudden or graphic and freak me out. Which is very sad if you think about it... but I have to skim through the pages and check nothing too dramatic happens and I guess I feel like once I've got through reading it I can read the scene again to prove to myself that I can do it.

    I suppose there's also an element of the horror movie experience, we love to be terrified them and sometimes its easier to watch a second time round, but its a rush to watch (or read) something that scares us, but that we know can't touch us.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    ya....... see I'm always SOOO tempted to reread v* seens as well. I think the reason why we're so fascinated is because...... it's something we haven't experienced much ourselves when it's on tv or in a book or whatever, we know we're perfectly safe from it so it draws us in



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