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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    Hello, I am new, I used to post on an old emetaphobia board, I think it may have been this one but on another server. This was years ago, but I am back again.

    I have been emetophobic for as long as I can remember, but at the same time I can remember an instance or two in my childhood where I v*ed without a second thought. I have been thinking a lot about my emetophobia lately because I think I am finally really sick of it. I am 25 years old now, I enjoy going out and having a good time with my friends. I would like to not be constantly be worried about being sick from too much alcohol. I can't believe when a friend will say they purposefully made themselves sick as to avoid a hangover! It seems unimaginable to me, but at the same time I am deeply envious of their ability to be so cavalier about it. I am also thinking of switching careers to be a teacher, cause I love children, but don't want to base my career decision around whether kids will be sick and I will catch stomach viruses from them. It feels too important for that, and I feel angry that my fears would play so large a role in my happiness. Also I would like to have children in the next 5 years or so, and would hate to pass it down to them or worse, bath them in panic attack hormones during any morning sickness I had.

    I am ready to deal with this problem but at the same time I am not willing to take Syrup of Ipecac or anything like that. Has anyone had positive experiences with hypnosis?

    Another question- does anyone feel like if they weren't afraid of v* they would do it a lot? I feel so sick often, and I often feel like, "Blagh" and have a feeling in my neck and jowels that I could just v* and feel better but I don't cause I feel like my panic attacks help me fight the physical sensation. I wonder how often I would v* if I wasn't so scared of it- would it be once a week? A few times a month? Or can I just not read the signs accurately.

    Also, when I am brushing my teeth and brush my tongue, sometimes I dry heave but I don;t feel panicked about this. I don't know why and I wondered how others felt about brushing their tongues.

    Thanks, thats all for now! I hope I get some responses, I may post some polls in relation to these questions cause I am really curious and the answers feel like they are important in resolving this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    United States


    Hi there!!

    Welcome (or welcome back!!) to the site!!
    I've never tried hypnosis but I'm just starting again with therapy and I think that (and all the wonderful people on this site!) are helping me to progress a little. Finally!!
    I think that if I wasn't emetophobic I would v* more often. I cannot remember the last time I did it (knock on wood!) and have even caught a nasty sv* my son had years ago and did not v* once. I spent the entire night panicked and trying so hard not to do it, and I literally was on the verge several times but still didn't. I'm sure if I wasn't phobic I would have, but then it wouldn't bother me that much so it'd be okay.
    I gag when I brush my teeth and tongue too, especially in the AM. Doesn't bother me a bit either--probably because I know what it's from!!
    As far as wanting to be a teacher there are quite a few wonderful teachers on this site, and I'm sure they'd be able to give you some advice and reassurance. Don't let this phobia stop you from doing what you want to do!! I'm a flight attendant and adore my job and I occasionally have a passenger v*. I hate it when it happens and I shake and panic and sweat and want to run, but I love what I do and I won't let my fear stop me from doing it.
    I'm not sure how helpful I am, but I hope this helps you a little!!
    Take care!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Welcome![img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]I think if I was not emet, I might v* more, I'm not sure. It has been said that us emets are good at controlling "it".
    I gag myself often brushing my teeth, as I have a fairly sensitive gag reflex, but it doesn't panic me for some reason.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United States


    I was hyptnotized a few years back for my emet...it worked for a few weeks, then back to the same ol' same ol'. I think it might have worked better if the guy(who had no idea that there was a phobia such as this) had used a different phrase. Everytime I feel off, my mind says "regurgitation is the body's natural way of proctecting itself from disease"~what I heard while in the hypnotic state. This, however, does nothing to soothe my frazzled nerves in the moment. I would love to have it done again...it was an amazing experience. Alas~between house payment, college and kids, I just can't afford it.
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