Hi there!!
I brush my tongue and accidentally make myself gag all the time, especially in the mornings. In the mornings it seems my gag reflex is really touchy or something. For some reason it doesn't bother me though, maybe because I know why I'm gagging and it's not from something else!!
Thanks this really intrigues me. I don't know where my fear came from, and I usually attribute it to hating the physical sensation of v*ing. Yet, I have felt sick to my stomach before, and I have dry heaved all the time from brushing my teeth, so it would seem I am used to both of them all the time. I can intellectualize every part of v*ing so I don't know why the flight or fight response kicks in.Originally Posted by christianne
You only live once
yes,but not enough to gag
"Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything, it just messes with your mind and steals your happines."
haha i don't have a gag reflex- at all. its really weird, i can put my finger down my throat without even a tiny gag
I have never gagged from bushing the back of my tongue. It's really hard to make me gag. Even throat cultures I have never gagged from. I can stick my finger down my throat and not gag. I have only gagged once due to sv*. Hope this helped.
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I didn't know this was possible.
Another thing to fear.
I always brush my tongue to get rid of bad breath, but I never gag.
I brush pretty vigorously but only include my tongue if I feel yuk - and have to watch out for gagging then.