Ok..so this is kinda gross and personal but i need to share/vent.

I got all dressed up today..in a really nice khaki skirt..i felt so good..very girly..for once i looked in the mirror and liked what i saw.

I had a feeling i shouldnt ware the skirt..cause today is day two of my period (you can probably see where this is going by now).

well..i was doing very well..making sure i had NO accidents.

I just went to the bathoom and was being very careful.. I wiped (sorry to be gross or personal here) and t hen stood up to pull up my underware..well..i dripped ...two drops of blood onto the back of my khaki skirt!!!! I got to it in time so qipe it up..so i doubt it will stain..and THANK GOD my mom works right across the street andI live but a mile away so she ran me home so i could get some pants.

No one but my boss and mom will ever know..but i still feel dumb..and really bumbed because i dont feel nearly as good about my body in the pants im wearing.

I havent had a good body image lately..specially being bloated from my period..and i woke up today feeling so good about myself...and now..well..you can only imagine.

I know my husband will ask why im not in my skirt..perhaps i will just have to tell him i got chocolate on it..he will surely make a big deal out of it if i tell him i got blood on it!

i just wanna go home and curl up..BLAH..thanks for listening guys.