Lol I was thinking about this today about something I do. First off, I'm not very good with having people over at my place, just because I'm weird and stuff lol. I tend to have a hard time with people in "my space" and yea, I'm an antisocial freak lol. When I had friends as a kid I always went over to their place. Well ok so I had to have someone at my house yesterday and things got changed around some, well after she left I just had to go through and put it back just the way it was before. Lol yea you guys are prolly thinking "wow she's nuts", but I tend to like things in their place and the way I have them set up, maybe its me being a control freak over my own surroundings (Im not an incredible neat freak tho). I just like being in control of my own environment especially at home. Not that I'm controlling of my husband or anything, lol he is on the "ok" list. Geez, I didn't realize how far spread control issues go! Ack, not only is it with emet, but it seems like more and more I find it popping up in other areas as well.
Edited by: Galadriel