I woke up this morning at 11, only to find that my mom was very ill with foodpoisoning since about 6am. Last night we ate at J Alexanders, a nice steak and somewhat of a seafood restaurant.I ordered a steak, my dad ordered fish, and my mom had crab cakeswith some type of bernaise sauce. She had stomach ache's and indigestion from about2:00am, and had bad diarhea until about 6:45 at which time she vomited large volumes and was then extremely exhausted for the rest of the day.

I beleive it to be a bacterial infection. However, I'm somewhat suspicious of the cause because my mom had been complaining and nagging the waitresses the whole time during the meal, and the manager even came over to speak with us for 10 minutes...my mom loves to complian about very trivial things in restaurants..very embarassinggggg

do you think we should report this to the health department or the restaurant? Unfortunately this is going to make me more neurotic about eating becuase even very reputable places have poisoned food once ina while it seems.