There was a post a long time ago ( well maybe a year ) about saying something nice about people here. So let make a list of our emet friends and say something nice about them.

Violet- To a great person who is always there for me. You have to be the coolest person ever.

Kellybean- You helped me with my christmas thingie to post below my posts. For some reason I have always noticed how nice you are in posting.

Spilled_milk- I don't know why but I always follow your posts. You have always stood out from other emets, maybe it is because I have been here a long time so I have noticed you here a long time as well!

Harmonygirl- Pop up once in awhile on my msn to have a nice chat! Always positive, and you represent strength in emet to me ( not afraid to travel ect )

Madisons mom- I don't believe I have ever spoken to you, but you are always posting about sick kids! I feel so badly and yet so proud that you are an emet with children and get through it every time. I think last year you had a rough sv year? And yet you get through every time.

Happyteacher- A fellow canadian, you as well have always stuck out among names as someone just plain nice and helpful on this site.

I have notcied myself getting annoyed lately at people. I decided instead of ranting in my own head about annoyances and what not that instead I should channel it out positively to the people who make a difference. I am sure I will be adding more people, my memory is awful. Who are your favourite emet friends? Say something nice and pass the love on!Edited by: Carolee