Hey all

So I'm freaked out, we had a pre cooked ham in the fridge that had been opened for a week and when I went to it tonight I thought that it smelled funny. It was a really weird smell but not right. My mum told me it was fine and so she ate some. She said it tasted fine until one bite which she said was funny and threw the rest away. Not being an emet she just carried on eating and she's very calm. She doesn't think it will make her sick.

I do. I don't want any reassurance from you guys that it won't but I need some help calming my anxiety in case the worst happens. I've got my mp3 player on standby, I washed my hands when I touched the meat and after and I also washed the surface. Is this enough?

I'm scared to do anything now b/c I just think she is going to be sick.

Edited by: hippychick