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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    United States


    I hesitate to use the word 'gain's cause I don't want to trivialize
    what any of us go through, at all, but I couldn't think of a better
    choice of words and I only have a little time while at work to post
    here. Anyway, I have often noticed that I will have more panic
    attacks about v* or nausea when I am having a lot of stress in my
    life. My panic attacks and/or nausea (I can barely distinguish
    the two) seem to sometimes serve as a reminder that something is
    definetly not going right in my life in general or I am dealing with
    more general stress than I can cope with, and my panic attack/nausea
    makes me step back and lay down for a while, quite
    literally. For example if I am having too intense of a
    fight with my boyfriend my stomach might start turning and it makes me
    stop and take a step back from the fight because the nausea and panic
    become a more important priority for me. This is just one example.

    What do you all think? Have you noticed this also? Is there
    anything to make of it or clues to help us in overcoming this obstacle
    that is emetophobia?

    Edited by: sheryl81

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Our bodies do try and tell us when we need to slow down or relax. Ifwe ignore these signs and keep living a stressful day-to-day existence with no let up we end up not only mentally exhausted but physically ill too. Some people will end up having a total nervous breakdown.

    My body reacts in the same way as yours if I have a particularlyheatedarguement with my fiance, or indeed anybody. My stomach will start churning, my heart will beat faster, I'll start to feel nauseous etc. Anything I find upsettingmakes my body react in the same way and if I'm really nervous about something I also feel the need to go to the loo. I know it's all part of the 'fight or flight response' and that there's a reason our bodies react this way ie to prepare us for either running away or fighting better - but when we aren't faced with a life or death situation it gets to be a flipping nuisance! I do tend to take a step back too when I start feeling this way and so maybe it has stopped me from getting more deeply into something destructive (like a slanging match!) at times.


    Fall seven times, stand up eight.
    - Japanese proverb

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States


    I definitley agree. I get SO much more anxious if there are other stresses in my life. I think that is why Christmas isn't as fun for me as it used to be. I'm stressed & then my emet kicks in with much more force.

    My therapist has been working with me to realize when there is a "hidden" stress that is causing my emet. And, in realizing it, I'm trying to remember that I'm not "in danger" as much as my emet wants me to believe. I haven't perfected that mind manipulation yet, but it helps some. I try to stop those thoughts before they get to a full boil of panic.

    - Susan
    When you come to the edge of all the light you have known & are about to step out into the darkness, FAITH is knowing there will be something for you to stand on or you will be taught to fly. -Unknown



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