I wrote awhile back how I was interested in becoming an RA ( residence assistant)... I just wanted to update that I had a group interview today. There were 8 of us in total, and I think it went pretty well.

we had to intoduce each other, and then answer a questionairre about the school and talk about it with each other. Then we had to read a story, and rate things from 1-16 on an importance level as a group... and then finally we had to do some role playing where we were put in a situation as an RA and we had to act out what we would do in certain situations.

apparently there are 12 spots to be filled, and we didnt find out how many applications there are, but we figure only about 16- 20 in total, so I think I have a good chance of getting hired on.

I want this more than anything - to be able to help others and give back to the students, thats an awesome thing.

I'll hear by thursday afternoon if I make the 2nd interviews or not.

UPDATE: I got the second interview ( one -on -one) its on monday at 10 :30!! I am soooooo excited!Edited by: Babydoll