My 6yo came home from school yesterday saying a boy in his class got S* and V* on another boy and girl. He wasn't at the same table they were at, and when it happened the teacher backed everyone else up to the door, then eventually sent them to the cafeteria while the room was being cleaned. He won't necessarily get this bug, will he? He wasn't near the kid that was sick as far as I know because he was at another table. Talk me down about this because I couldn't even sleep last night I was so worried he'd be next. <!--
var SymReal&#079;nLoad;
var SymReal;

{ = SymWinOpen;
if(SymReal != null)

if(SymReal&#079;nLoad != null)
SymReal&#079;nLoad(); = SymRealWinOpen;
SymReal = window.;
window. = Sym;

SymReal&#079;nLoad = window.&#111;nload;
window.&#111;nload = Sym&#079;nLoad;
