So I have had diarreha and nausea all day but I KNOW I have to go out to a class tonight. I don't exactly know what to do, I don't even know why I have diarreha. My stomach actually feels weak because of it. You know what I mean? Like it's weird cause after I use the bathroom, the muscles in my abdomen feel like a little tightened but then they loosen up creating this weak sort of tention in my stomach, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I'm scared to death that I'm going to puke, the nausea isn't SO SO bad, I mean not worse then what I normally deal with but I don't want to puke at class. I have to go because I have to explain to Sister Marie why I didn't make it to the ceremony yesterday! See there was this big ceremony for our class but it was to be held in an auditorium with like 1500 other people and I psyched myself up so bad that I made myself sick and couldn't go. Do you think that this diarreha is just a residule effect of stressing myself about going so much?

I am able to keep food down, and have actually eaten some pizza without getting terribly nauseous but I am so scared and I don't know what to do! I need some reassurance in this! Any advice?
