Hi everyone. I've been dying to get back on this site to let people know how i've been doing. I'm so glad the sites up and running again as it helped me so much at times when things were tough.

I started developing emet when i was 17 (now nearly 21) i went for counselling when i was 18 and just recently finished exposure therapy and cbt (cognitive,behavioural therapy) It was tough at times but i stuck with it and found it has helped me. I know i couldn't have done the CBT stuff without having that counselling to begin with as i didnt even know what was wrong with me, i just wasn't eating, worried all the time, felt sick, woke up during the night, stopped going out, lost my friends, was worried about illnesses and other people, stoped travelling.... it pretty much took over every aspect of my life. I feel so much more free these days, i don't obsess all the time about my bodily feelings or about illnesses. The best thing that could have happened was actually getting the flu and actually expereincing being sick whilst having the phobia (sounds crazy i know) but the thing i found about this whole experience was that it wasn't even a 10th as bad as how it was in my head.... with both myself and when i had to watch other people in CBT (It was a dvd of real people.... by the end, it was a gradual process to get to that point, started off with just stories of other people and pics etc.)

I don't want my story to piss people people off but to let you all know that there is hope, i never ever thought i'd get to this stage and although i'm not 100% there i feel i've gotten some of my life back again. I was once at a stage where i never thought it'd ever get better and i cant beleive it has. Stick in there everyone Work with it, and one day it'll get easier.
