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Thread: Uh oh...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    So first of all, i just want to say that i am new to this whole online world that i never knew about. but the past few days have been extreamly hard, and this site has saved me many times, so thank you to everyone!

    Second i have a question, that doesn't really have an answer it just bothers me so i ask it all the time, in fact my mom and dad are quite tired of me asking it. But why do I (we) have to suffer from emet or panic disorders? it is not fair, and really a cruel way to live through live, granted i know it is not bad compared to a million other situations, but it sure as hell isn't plesant. I am 17 and have suffered from what i know now is emet and generalized anxiety disorder with panic and anxiety attacks since i can remember. i am in highschool, and this condition or disorder or whatever the hell it is has pretty much run my life, and it has for sure had an impact on my grades and relationships. i find that i have a hard time with people understanding my emet and they end up poking fun at it. such as making puke jokes or the sound, andthey don't understand how that affects me, even though i tell them. As a result, i stay with people i am comfortable with the most, like my sis esp. because she really understands me, but i wish my friends were more understanding.

    Third, my family is very disfunctional, like many others i assume. my parents divorced when i was four, my mother is an alcohlic drug addict, and my father and step mother drink way too much too. Until i was 15 i lived with my mom, when her drinking got so bad that i moved in with my father whom i hadn't lived with for 11 years. I now live with him, my step mom half brother and step siblings, and it is very hard because my father won't talk to my biological sister. I have a family therapy session with my dad and step mother tonight, and i am freaking out.

    Well anyway, i just needed to vent...sorry for such a long post.

    Thanks for listening

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Hey , sorry I have no answer to your question it really sucks but the thing is the only person holding you back from overcoming this fear is yourself. See emets are very good at perpetuating their own misery and it is a very hard cycle to break. I have gotten better over the years and I know that one day i will be free of this phobia. and i hope that everyone on this forum is free of it as well.

    I was really sad to hear about your family and I hope that things work out for all of you..it is really unfortunate that people have to go through such problems in their family ..a place where they should feel safe ..I know all about the alcohol...i have personally been effected by alcholic people through out my life also.. just know that things will get better for you , just keep staying strong and believing in the power you have to change your life.( i sound like an inspirational speaker lol)

    Were here if you need us.. everyone is really nice around here!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    thank you so much for your support. i am almost crying thats how nice it is to know that i am not alone. i love it here already!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Your definitely not alone and everyone on here always tries thier best to help with any problems even when they are not related to emet. Its a really nice forum to be a part of , I know that I really appreciate it and i love everyone...I wish more of the people would come back from the other site too

    but yea if you have anything that you wana talk about and you dont feel comfortable posting everyone is really nice about private messaging too.

    Glad you like it here!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States


    eeb, you'll be surprised how much everyone cares here. I think it will take a while for everyone to get IES going again. Or, if it goes down, do you know the other web site?

    I can't imagine how hard it is to be 17 & feel the way you do. My parents had alcohol issues too, but not quite to that extent. If I remember one time there was a post about that. There's definitley a majority of people that had family alcohol issues here. I think there is a connection.

    I liked what Punchbuggy said about you being in control of what happens to you. That's a scarey thought, but I think it is scarier to think you would have to rely on someone else to make you happy and safe. Instead, you need to find the inner trust & self worth & you'll be amazed how differently you'll feel. It's still a process with me & it takes lots and lots of practice. But, it is definitely possible to beat this phobia.

    I could ramble on forever, so feel free to PM me anytime.

    When you come to the edge of all the light you have known & are about to step out into the darkness, FAITH is knowing there will be something for you to stand on or you will be taught to fly. -Unknown



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